Week 14 of Pregnancy | How Big is Your Baby at 14 Weeks?
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- Bambino Mio
- 09 / 07 / 2023

Inside this Article:
- At 14 weeks of pregnancy your baby is the size of a kiwi fruit!
- Your baby is pulling their tiny face!
- They’re also busting a few moves in there
- Your baby’s organs are growing
- How you’re feeling at 14 weeks pregnant
- If your morning sickness isn’t easing
- You have more energy
- Your breasts are less painful
- Your sex drive might come back
- New moles on your skin
- Staying healthy at 14 weeks pregnant
- Your risk of miscarriage has fallen
- It’s a great time for exercise!
- Make the most of your increased appetite
- Things to think about at 14 weeks pregnant
- Citations and References
Pregnancy is a time of huge change for you, your body and your life. Our guide will help you through this amazing time, letting you know what to expect at each stage and, most excitingly, what your baby is up to each week.
At 14 weeks of pregnancy your baby is the size of a kiwi fruit!
At 14 weeks of pregnancy your baby is around 9cm (3.5in) in length from crown to rump and they weigh 90g (3oz).
Your baby is pulling their tiny face!
If you could look closely at your baby’s face (you’ll be able to do that soon enough), you’d see that they’re practicing their facial expressions, with frowns, lip puckering and grimaces (1). These expressions are purely reflexive and no indication of any emotions.
They’re also busting a few moves in there
One thing you would be able to see on an ultrasound scan around now is a lot of wriggling and limb movement (2). The breathing movements that started a couple of weeks ago are becoming more confident and regular too.
Your baby’s organs are growing
There’s a lot of growing and developing going on:
- Your baby’s sex organs are formed (3) and just have to grow in size now
- Their intestines are formed and already working on their first meconium poo (4)
- Your baby’s liver is producing bile (5)
How you’re feeling at 14 weeks pregnant
You’re finally in your second trimester of pregnancy! Your sickness and fatigue are either getting better or are starting to improve. It doesn’t happen on the stroke of midnight, but if you look back over the previous two weeks, you’ll see one or more of your pregnancy symptoms have lessened.
If your morning sickness isn’t easing
If you’re still being very sick you should contact your GP or midwife for help, especially if you’re having difficulty keeping food and water down or you’re not gaining weight. You may have a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum (6), or excessive vomiting in pregnancy, which is treatable with safe medication which stops you being sick.
The chances are, though, that your pregnancy symptoms are fading away and you’re able to enjoy the second, and easiest, pregnancy trimester.
You have more energy
As your hormones start to settle, you’ll get a lot of energy back, especially if you’re able to eat and drink more comfortably.
Your breasts are less painful
Even your breasts are feeling better around this time, which can help you to be more mobile.
Your sex drive might come back
When you’re tired, nauseated and your boobs hurt, sex is probably the last thing on your mind, but when you get into the second trimester, you might find your libido comes back.
As long as you don’t have any complications or bleeding, it’s quite safe to have sex when you’re pregnant (7). You might find there’s some cramping afterwards, but it should pass very quickly.
New moles on your skin
There are lots of skin changes during pregnancy - it can become oilier, drier or darker, for example. Another skin change in pregnancy is new moles or freckles appearing (8), or existing moles changing, especially if they’re on your baby bump. If you’re worried about changes like these, ask your GP for advice.
Staying healthy at 14 weeks pregnant
At 14 weeks of pregnancy you’re not just feeling some physical relief, you’re probably feeling a bit more secure about your pregnancy progressing.
Your risk of miscarriage has fallen
You can relax a bit more now, as by 14 weeks, your risk of miscarriage falls dramatically (9). If pregnancy loss is something you’ve been worrying about, or if you’ve experienced it in the past, week 14 can bring some reassurance.
Of course, you might not feel 100% confident until you’ve given birth, but you can allow yourself to relax a little.
If you are worrying all the time about something going wrong, then you should talk to your midwife as they’ll be able to help you to deal with your concerns.
It’s a great time for exercise!
You’ve got your mojo back now and you’re still relatively mobile and unburdened by your baby belly, so building in at least 30 minutes of exercise (10) each day should be nice and easy! Exercise is great for lifting your mood, keeping you fit and helping you to reduce pregnancy symptoms like constipation.
Make the most of your increased appetite
Remember your healthy eating plan (11) and drink lots of water. Your second trimester is the time to increase your calcium (12) and iron (13) intake so that your baby’s bones and blood get the nutrients they need.
Things to think about at 14 weeks pregnant
As you're in the golden zone, you might want to plan a quick getaway with your partner. A “babymoon” is a great chance to relax and reconnect, or just spend some quiet time together before your baby arrives and while you’re still mobile enough to travel and enjoy the break (14).
It’s also time, if you haven’t done so already, to find an antenatal class in your area, especially if you’re a first-time parent. You’ll have the opportunity to meet other expectant parents and to find out more about labour and birth.
Citations and References
(1) PLOS One. ‘Do Facial Expressions Develop Before Birth?’ 2011. Web. journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0024081
(2) National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Library of Medicine. ‘Visualization and Quantitation of Fetal Movements by Real-time Three-dimensional Ultrasound With Live xPlane Imaging in the First Trimester of Pregnancy.’ 2016. Web. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5141454
(3) National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Library of Medicine. ‘Embryology, Sexual Development.’ 2022. Web. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557601
(4) National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Library of Medicine. ‘Meconium.’ 2022. Web. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK542240
(5) National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Library of Medicine. ‘Hepatic Function and Physiology in the Newborn.’ 2003. Web. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15001122
(6) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Complications in Pregnancy. Severe Vomiting in Pregnancy.’ 2023. Web. www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/related-conditions/complications/severe-vomiting/
(7) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Keeping Well in Pregnancy. Sex in Pregnancy.’ 2021. Web. www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/sex
(8) Medical News Today. ‘Can Pregnancy Change the Appearance of Moles?’ 2022. Web. www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/pregnancy-moles
(9) Wiley Online Library. ‘A Systematic Review to Calculate Background Miscarriage Rates using Life Table Analysis.’ onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bdra.23014
(10) National Health Service (NHS). Keeping Well in Pregnancy: Exercise in Pregnancy.’ 2023. Web. www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/exercise
(11) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Keeping Well in Pregnancy. Eating Well in Pregnancy.’ 2023. Web. www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/have-a-healthy-diet
(12) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Vitamins and Minerals. Calcium.’ 2020. Web. www.nhs.uk/conditions/vitamins-and-minerals/calcium
(13) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Vitamins and Minerals. Iron.’ 2020. Web. www.nhs.uk/conditions/vitamins-and-minerals/iron
(14) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Keeping Well in Pregnancy. Travelling in Pregnancy. ‘ 2022. Web. www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/travelling
Pregnancy by Week, What to Expect